Unfailingly Loved

Unfailingly Loved

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Little Girl Within -- A Start to a Series

The Little Girl Within – deep down inside of us, her heart still beats.  She does not speak with audible words, but with the words and emotions of the heart. She is as much a part of us now as the woman we were yesterday is part of our today. 
The Little Girl Within she has stories and she has yearnings, but sometimes those yearnings were not fulfilled. Rather, along the way they were damaged, destroyed, or neglected. 
She had yearnings to be appreciated, to not be forgotten, to dream, to be allowed to try and to be accepted if she failed. She desired to be embraced despite mistakes, to be nurtured, to feel like a priority, to be heard, and to have a voice.  She hoped to be allowed to cry, to be comforted, to be protected and to be safe. She longed to be forgiven, have her apology accepted, her life cherished and to be held. She wanted to be special and to be loved.
The Little Girl Within – do you know her? Perhaps we brush her aside or think she has grown up, avoiding her heart and her stories – our heart and our stories.   Truth is, I’m not always aware of her, but once in awhile, I find myself right back to where she was, remembering what happened to her. I can recall when she was disappointed, when she was afraid, when she was lonely and when she was hurt, and I can see why I sometimes fall quickly in to the same feeling now, and how it impacts who I am today.  But even more, I am beginning to realize how God is using it in my life for me, for others and for His glory.
These stories, sometimes small and momentary, other times huge, tragic and long lasting, contribute to walls that we build and masks that we hide behind. They shape our dreams and mold our insecurities.  They stir up desires in us.  They are part of the story that God is writing in our lives.
These experiences are different for each of us, just as the leaves on an autumn tree differ. They form our character, our personalities, and our lives, and are also a part of the Lord revealing Himself to us, and drawing us closer. I won’t pretend to understand it, but in them we can see the truths about the Lord, learning of Him and His unfailing love for us, as we willingly remember, reflect and ask Him to bring healing and hope to our hearts – healing and hope to others.
Over the next month or two, I will be sharing a few “Little Girl Within” stories of my own and I want to offer you the opportunity to share your stories.  Will you join me in taking a chance and influencing the hearts of others with part of the story God is writing for your life?
If you would like to share your “Little Girl Within” story and how it has impacted your heart today, please follow the below guidelines. I will notify you if your story will be published on my blog.
1.       Use only a story that is yours.  Share in 500 - 700 words part of your story, how it influenced your life today, and what God is teaching you about yourself and Himself through the story.
2.       E-mail your story to me here. Put your story in the body of the e-mail. If you would like, attach a picture of yourself when you were a little girl or now. You are also welcome to include a short bio.
3.      I am also happy to include a link to your website or blog. If you would prefer to be anonymous, I will respect that, and post your story under an alias name IE: “Carolyn,” with your approval.
I am looking forward to sharing this journey together, growing in relationship with one another and with the Lord. Spend time with Him remembering your Little Girl Within.   Ask the Lord to show you how precious you were to Him then and still are today – loved with an everlasting love, made with a purpose, a treasured possession.
One more thing … even if you do not submit a story, please stop by and read the stories of some of my readers.  Please leave them a comment;  I am certain they will be encouraged to see how the Lord uses their willingness to step out and share to make a difference in the lives of others. 
Any questions? Please don't hesitate to ask.


Betsy said...

Great idea, Andrea! I can't wait to read the stories that are submitted.

Fran said...

Andrea, I believe this will prove to be a wonderful, worthy series for it goes to the very heart of our God! But it will be a series requiring great courage from those willing to share their story and speak the unspeakable and courage from those willing to read (hopefully with the eyes of their heart and not their head) to believe the unbelievable; the unbelievable of what some little girls (and boys) must endure and the unbelievable healing power of our Sovereign God in the lives of the survivor who is willing to bow to the hideous evil that God allowed in their life for His glory. This certainly is a place for the body of Christ to be most attentive to His call. Thank you for opening the door of your own heart and giving the opportunity for others to open and share their heart as well.

Andrea K. Van Ye said...

Betsy -- thank you for your encouragement. My desire is that the stories will minister to the hearts of women. Fran -- your words are filled with wisdom and grace. Yes, it requires courage -- and only in God's timing is it right. Not only is it an opportunity for some to share, it is equally an opportunity for us to battle evil and comfort and care for others. It is a broken world in which we live. We need Jesus; we can love others in His name. Thank you for your words. They resonate in my soul.

Juanita said...

Andrea...I hardly know what to say...to think...to write. You couldn't have know that just this past wknd. I was face to face again with "The Little Girl Within". And it grieved and frustrated me. Last night in my prayer I asked for the powerful blood of Jesus to enable me to forgive the one who has caused hurt. Today in my time with God, I prayed for healing for painful memories...again.
And I am wondering...if God is calling me to write about "The Little Girl Within".
You have touched a place in my that seems never to be fully healed...
This series will bring more of His healing balm to my spirit, I am sure.
Thank you so very much...
God bless you richly,

Deanna said...

I love your blog so I am giving you the Love Your Blog Award! Please visit my blog to accept the award!

Great post, Andrea. You have a way of helping me think about things differently and really digging deeper.

Love your blog!

Andrea K. Van Ye said...

Juanita -- my dear friend. Thank you for sharing your heart. God's timing is so amazing, isn't it? I hope that you will consider writing something. I know it feels "risky." Posting this series feels risky to me. It is hard to dig down deep and to be vulnerable. My prayer is that women would be encouraged, though, and realize that they are not alone. Thanks for contributing to the conversation!

Andrea K. Van Ye said...

Dear Deanna -- Thank you for the encouragement and the award. Your kindness is appreciated! Heading over to your blog right now :)

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