Unfailingly Loved

Unfailingly Loved

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wondering How You Can Help? Check this Out -- Women At Risk International

A message came in to my inbox from Brenna. Would I be interested in sharing more about their organization Women At Risk International? If so, she would send me more information by mail.
The timing was interesting.  I just finished two books Half the Sky and Global Soccer Mom, and God was growing my passion to help women and children oppressed and at risk around the world.
Brenna didn’t know what was going on inside my heart. Only God did.
I’m not sure where my journey of learning and loving those I do not (yet) know will take me.  Only God does.
A package arrived with facts and stories about WAR International and the women they are serving worldwide. Enclosed with the brochures was also a small, delicate tear drop pearl pendant – a “Pendant of Hope” – representing the tears shed for the suffering women at risk and WAR Internationals commitment to give voice to their silenced cries, while empowering them to walk with dignity as they were created to.
The little note attached read, “For centuries the peal has symbolized unblemished perfection and has been considered the most valuable.  The Latin word for pearl means ‘unique.’  Women At Risk International gives women a safe haven to turn their stories of risk into unique stories of hope like the pearls of great price and deep beauty.”
The creating of this pearl pendant is just one of the ministries that WAR International is involved in. An abandoned woman, whose husband left her and her two children, ran a pearl shop in Thailand.  WAR International partnered with her and sells her jewelry in the United States .  Her business expanded and she now hires more women – women at risk – to work in her shop.  Through the involvement of WAR International, is able to help women grow and become strong, safe and independent in their trade, helping them to not fall prey to sex-trafficking.  They are able to work with dignity.
The stories, sadly, are abundant worldwide of abuse, oppression, sex-trafficking, honor killings, children orphaned, female genital mutilation, and more.  But there is hope.  WAR International is one of the many organizations that is coming along side of the women of the world (both across the world and next door in our communities) and making a difference. 
From selling of the crafts that women make, to rescuing them from oppression and teaching and training them, to scholarships for education and micro-loans, WAR International is involved on the ground level, helping to change lives in the name of Christ.
And we can be involved, too.  I want to encourage you click here and review the Women At Risk International web-site .  You will find stories of women whose lives have been changed and opportunities you can be involved in  from hosting a jewelry party featuring the items crafted by hand worldwide, to going on a mission trip or having a prayer circle in your home.
Can we really make a difference? I think we can. I'm wearing the pendant. It reminds me to pray for women worldwide. I'm also asking the Lord to continue to show me how I can be involved in His work. Only He knows.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about such an important issue. WAR International looks like a good group. I found the interview with the Homeland Security employee a good reminder about the signs of abuse we should all look for in people around us and how important it is for all of us to do so.

Anonymous said...

I too thank you for bringing to our attention this important web site that provides opportunities to educate ourselves more and to provide practical support to the oppressed, abused children and women in our own country and globally.

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