Unfailingly Loved

Unfailingly Loved

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Endless Sea of Lonely

This is for my friends whom I love dearly, and for those readers who I do not know, who hurt deep down in their souls --  for those who know the loneliness of grief, of broken relationships, of sorrow, of shame, of chronic pain. I hope this speaks to your heart.  The Lord knows who you are and what you need -- take heart, He loves you.

The Endless Sea of Lonely

Waves wash over me,
Wetting my soul with sorrow.
They leave me cool and quiet.
On the endless sea of lonely.

Eyes cry dry,
Every ounce of me is worn and weary.
I sit in silence.
On the endless sea of lonely.

Outwardly, I look fine.
Dressed, not stressed, refreshed.
But inside, I am laboring and lost.
On the endless sea of lonely.

Memories mix together,
Of days of joy and days of pain.
Times past swirl with fears of tomorrow.
On the endless sea of lonely.

I sit in solitude, in a crowd of chaos.
Inward shame shouts loud,
My ears numbed by outward noise.
On the endless sea of lonely.

Hopeless, helpless,
I feel tossed, holding on tightly to the edge.
Bracing myself for more nothingness.
On the endless sea of lonely.

Stomach unsettled, breathing shallow
Arms weaken, legs tire.
Heart hurts with hollow pain.
On the endless sea of lonely.

And then one day, a change.

Light shines out from the shore.
A whisper reaches me, softly, gently.
Hope calls my name.
On the endless sea of lonely.

And then hope comes, it runs.
In the form of love,
It steps inside, beside, resides.
On the endless sea of lonely.

It is He,
Simply, silently He breathes.
“I love you and am here for you,
On your endless sea of lonely.”

“Life will be hard, and sorrow-filled.
But I am yours and you are Mine.
It is Jesus. It is Me.

Always, forever, unfailingly.”

(Several months ago, I wrote this poem to a writing prompt, on a writing website, Faithwriters. The word was lonely.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love...love...love

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