Unfailingly Loved

Unfailingly Loved

Saturday, May 8, 2010

He Will Cover You With His Feathers

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge…” Psalm 91:4.

Recently, I remember the story about Corrie ten Boom, a woman who endured extreme suffering as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp during WW II. Fear, pain and loneliness were a very present reality to her, but even more so, was the reality of her precious Savior. For comfort and relief, she turned to Psalm 91:4, “He shall cover thee with His feathers.” She prayed this verse every night, with confidence and then she would imagine herself under the actual feathers of God’s protective wing. Here, in this place of safe refuge, she would rest.

She was much later released, by “mistake” (if there is such a thing!) and went on to travel the world, sharing the love of Jesus. She would often say, “There is not pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.” Amazing.

I am teaching from Psalm 91 this week. It is a beautiful poetic expression of God’s protection and provision. It is close to my heart. This painting, titled Psalm 91, hangs in my office. My friend Mary painted it and gave it to me, as a visual reminder that I close to God, resting in His shadow, covered by His feathers.

There is no refuge like God. He is the strongest shelter and in His shadow we can find rest. I don’t always understand it, but I know that it is true. Dear reader, no matter what afflicts you, worries you, or fears you – big or small -- run for cover under the shelter of the One who loves you and is your secure refuge. Here you will find rest for your weary soul and refreshment for your heart.


Juanita said...

Thank you Andrea...I needed to hear those words today...

Unknown said...

i am following yr blog. u r invited to follow my blog

Christine said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog post. I was feeling a bit sad, and was looking on your blog for something that would make that feeling go away. I just finished reading psalm 91. It's all so treu and powerfull. I feel strengthened. 91 vers 14 : "I shall free who loves Me" Love God Be Free.

Johannah (the netherlands)

Andrea K. Van Ye said...

Dear Johannah:

If you should stop back in, I just want you to know that I so appreciated your post -- Love God. Be Free. Very profound. Glad that you found comfort in Psalm 91 -- comfort that only God can give. Rest in His arms, dear sister. E-mail if I can pray for you in any way.

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