Unfailingly Loved

Unfailingly Loved

Monday, April 18, 2011

Appreciating the Little (Which Really are Big) Things

“When Spring finally comes you have to look every day for what’s new, otherwise you’ll miss it!” – My dear friend, Dorothy.
Dorothy approached my table at our Women’s Bible study, talking about Spring.  I wish you could hear her speak.  With a beautiful, British accent, her voice carries along on what seems like a ribbon of fragrant lilacs.  I love listening to her talk. I love listening to her wisdom. I love what she said about Spring, and I love her.
She was talking about Spring in Wisconsin.  It’s been a tough one for us.   Surprise snow storms.  Cold, rainy/sleety days.  One just never knows what’s going to happen in Spring. Even today I heard that we are under a Winter Weather Watch for tomorrow and Wednesday!
Anyway, I’ve been thinking a lot about what Dorothy said.
I’m intrigued by Spring.
I’m even more intrigued – more like moved – by the Lord and His ways.
One of the things about me is that, sometimes, I’m just looking for the “big, beautiful bloom” – and I miss the little green growth – the little green gifts.
In Spring – and in life.
Despite the chilly temperature of 35 degrees today, mid-April,  I took a walk through my yard and looked for new growth. I had to get down to the ground and look closely, but it was there. Little bits of life bursting through the soil.
How anything springs forth out of the ground, I’ll never know -- but it does, in God's good timing and in His way. 
I’m working on changing my point of view about what the Lord is doing in each day, too.  I’m diligently, carefully looking for the life and truth and love that He brings about NEW every day, in every way.
Things like:
* Time to talk to my son while rubbing his back.
* An unexpected opportunity.
* A phone call from an old  friend on my birthday.
* A snuggle with my girls.
* An encouragement from God's Word.
* A hand-made gift, dropped off at my home by a friend and her family.
* A reminder that I am loved via a song on the radio.
How about you, dear reader?
Do you sometimes miss seeing the little (which really are big) bits that the Lord has just for you?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

"A certain sign of grace is this--from a broken earth flowers come up pushing through the dirt." ~David Crowder

And I love your friend Dorothy too :D

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