Unfailingly Loved

Unfailingly Loved

Thursday, December 18, 2008

When Faith Goes to Market ...

One of my favorite devotionals is Streams in the Desert. Some time ago, I read in there a quote that has stuck with me, and seems to keep resonating in my soul.

"When faith goes to market, it always brings a basket."

I don't know about you, but sometimes I find it hard to understand what to have faith means. There is something about the visual picture of a woman picking up an empty woven basket, and heading in to her day, prepared to gather what she is certain that she will find in that day, that encourages me. She is actively trusting, full of confidence in the One who is the Provider of all things.

When I am discouraged or scared or overwhelmed or sad or anxious, I try to remember to pick up my basket that God has for me, trusting that He will fill it with all that I need for that day, and that He will fill it abundantly. I desire to head in to my day, filled with the faith, that God has good things for me in the day, even when it appears to be a dark and gloomy day; even, perhaps, more so on those days, than any other days.

Gradually, I am learning that when I live by faith, and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) that I actually experience more of God than I would have ever imagined, as He fills my basket with the strength and courage that I need, and shows me His unfailing love.

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